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LREI Student Blogs for MoMA

Eleventh grader Luca reflects on art at the MoMA.

LREI eleventh grader Luca’s writing is currently featured on the MoMA’s Inside/Out Teen Takeover Blog. Luca, who joined LREI his sophomore year, describes how a classroom experience with Pop art from the 1960s came to life when he viewed the original works of art at the MoMA.

“I swear I could feel a shiver run down my spine, when in that moment, I was able to view, and truly appreciate, the works firsthand—not just projections or printouts,” Luca writes about his experience.

That moment inspired Luca to think about how art plays a role in his and other New Yorkers' lives. "Living in a city that fosters and champions a diverse art community, shouldn’t I appreciate and notice all art that is produced from this unique place?“ Luca asks. He experimented by interviewing fellow LREI students in a survey about how they see and experience art around the city.

Read about the results of Luca's survey and his full piece on the MoMA blog:


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