Current tuition for fours through twelfth grades for the 2024-25 academic year is $58,315. Tuition is payable in three installments after the initial enrollment deposit: April 1, July 1, and November 1. A 10-month tuition payment plan is available through Smart Tuition. Tuition-refund insurance is recommended for all enrolled families.
LREI Tuition includes:
- Mid-morning snacks and a delicious lunch
- All required books
- Core afterschool program for 4s and Kindergarten
- Chromebook in Grades 6-8
- Macbook in Grades 9-12
- Field Trips
- Overnight trips in Grades 3-11 (excluding eighth grade world language trips)
- Participation in our performing arts and athletics programs, including all equipment and uniforms
- College application expenses including travel and test prep (provided in accordance with financial aid)
- Senior Prom
- Senior Banquet and Graduation
LREI is committed to every student having access to the full experience, regardless of socioeconomic background. Tuition covers the cost of almost all school-related activities and trips taken throughout the year. In eighth grade, there there is an optional spring break trip related to a child's world language study and generous financial aid is available. We are committed to all interested students participating in these experiences.