News Detail

Aaron Greenberg '93

Aaron Greenberg is an LREI “lifer,” or a student who started in the 4s class and graduated from the High School. Upon graduation, Aaron earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature from Union College and a master’s in international affairs from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Administration.  

In 2017, Aaron joined the UNICEF Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia as a senior child protection regional advisor. In this capacity, Aaron works to support governments across Europe and Central Asia on issues related to child protection. Previously, Aaron served for nearly a decade as chief of child protection in Georgia and then in Myanmar, where he directed UNICEF’s support to government and NGO partners around social welfare, child care, and justice reforms. He has experience in complex emergency contexts in both Eritrea and Sierra Leone.

Aaron has also worked in the strategic planning unit of the United Nations Office of the Secretary General at Columbia University’s Center for International Organization and Security and for local government in his hometown of New York City.
Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

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