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  • Kalil Oldham 

    Director of Equity & Community
    212-477-5316 x294
    University of California, Berkeley - PhD
    Harvard - AB
The foundations of democracy and of our school are built by daily habits of recognizing the rights of those who differ from ourselves.
- Elisabeth Irwin, founder of LREI
Greetings to all LREI families,

On this page you will find information, news, and resources related to the work of equity and community at LREI. This work is multi-faceted and deeply rooted in the history, culture, and mission of our school. It asks students, teachers, administrators, alums, parents, and members of the Board for active and engaged participation in the project of sustaining our diversity efforts, contributing to our current program with a multicultural and activist lens, and assuring that every member of the community feels a true sense of belonging.

At LREI we encourage friendships and working partnerships between people who hold different perspectives, who hail from different cultures, and who hold different identities. Part of this process is our active commitment to building a diverse community. In addition to supporting the diversity of our community, we work actively to ensure that each member of the community is afforded the opportunity to participate fully, to access all that the school has to offer. Additionally, we know that school is a place where social identities are formed, explored, analyzed, and examined. We make space for this identity work, as we view it as an essential part of the development of young people into active citizens in a democratic society, capable of interrupting prejudice, dismantling systems of oppression, and participating in the creation of a just future.

Through our progressive program, children explore issues of bias and anti-bias, identify inequities and fairness, and discuss ways to become active citizens of our democratic society. LREI is also a place where parents discuss strategies for raising social justice citizens. We encourage each of the adults in your household to join any of the identity and affinity conversations of which you are a member and to attend the all-parent discussions hosted by members of the Equity and Community team.
Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

LREI. Powered By Questions.

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  • Since 1921