Like our student body, our parent population is diverse. LREI parents and guardians have one important thing in common: A dedication to our community and our mission. We are fortunate to have a strong partnership between LREI families and the school. It’s a partnership that not only strengthens our programs, resources and initiatives, but also sets a positive example for the people who matter most: Our students.

Welcome to all families, whether prospective, current or alumni.

Welcome to the PA Portal on LREI Connect!

As you might have read in our PA WELCOME LETTER this year, at LREI, every parent and guardian is a member of the Parents Association (PA), and contributes something unique to make our community vital and rewarding for all.  There are so many ways for families to participate in PA events and activities. We hope that you will find a means to engage the way that works best for you. And we TRULY mean that!

We've created the Parents Association Portal to serve as a hub of PA related information that will be available throughout the school year.  While it does not replace your communications with your parent rep, or the weekly PA email they will send you, we intend for the PA Portal to serve as a valuable resource for those who can not attend regular meetings and/or to have access to information about what's happening within our community. 

The information on the PA Portal changes as the various groups have updates so be sure to pop back and check things out.  You could find links to:
  • Calendar information.
  • Information and updates about our committees and identity/affinity groups
  • Parent Rep Division monthly meeting notes
  • Who to contact for information on the PA
If you are interested in learning more or joining some of the committees or affinity groups below, please email or the co-chairs for the group you are interested in by clicking through on the links below. 

We look forward to an awesome school year! 

Annie Denson & Jennifer Rogoff
PA Co-Presidents, 2024-25


PA Executive Officers

PA Presidents
Annie Denson
Jennifer Rogoff
High School Vice-Presidents
Carolyn Reeves
Denise Zaraya

Middle School Vice-Presidents
Adrian Jones
Margaret Sullivan

Lower School Vice-President
Alex Bernath
Brooke David

Mandy Cheema

High School Coordinators
Nora O'Connor

Middle School Coordinator
Jennie Lieb

Lower School Coordinator
Jamie Drew

Parent Association Committees

List of 12 items.

  • Art Party & Auction (Coming 2025!)


    The Art Party & Auction Committee coordinate this biennial spring event to benefit annual fund raising, comprised of a silent auction of contemporary art donated by the LREI community and artist friends of the school and...pARTy.  The Art Party & Auction alternates with Big Shindig and will be held next in 2025!

    Questions? Email us at artauction@lrei​.org.

  • Big Shindig (March 4 2024)

    BIG SHINDIG 2024

    The Big Shindig will take place on Monday, March 4, 2024 at Guastavino’s.
    Help us plan the party! Everyone is welcome to join the Shindig planning committee, no event experience is required. Join us and other parents for our kickoff meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 8:45 a.m. in the Sixth Avenue cafeteria. Learn about the Shindig and how you can get involved. 

    Co-Chairs: Kira Wizner, Cyndi Cueto & Kristen Moore
  • LREI Camping Trip

    The LREI Camping Trip is BACK!

    Stay tuned for more information about the 2025 Camping Trip!

    Adrian Jones, Eric Rogoff & Rick Hofmann

  • Community Service

    Creates opportunities for parents and children to participate together in community service. This committee organizes a calendar of family-friendly volunteer activities that engage parents and students from all school divisions. Activities include clothing, food and book drives, park improvements, and the Martin Luther King Day of Service.

    Volunteer Opportunities:creating community partnerships, organizing and participating in drives, MLK, Jr. Day of Service planning

    Check out this link for more information:

    Chair: Carl Garrison
  • Faculty and Staff Appreciation

    Organizes and coordinates opportunities for families to celebrate the faculty and staff at LREI by bringing in homemade or store-bought goodies and coordinating special events.

    We have a team for both locations:
    Sixth Avenue 
    Co-chairs: Lara Seligman & Roksy Sierrant

    Sixth Ave FSA Calendar

    40 Charlton Street
    Co-Chairs: Marika Bernstein-Condos & Kellie Ferguson

    Charlton Street FSA Calendar
    Charlton Street FSA Wishlist

  • Fund for LREI

    LREI's annual fund, which supports offering the full educational experience to every student, including peer-leading financial aid, fee-free overnight trips for every 3rd - 11th grader, professional development opportunities for our dedicated faculty, and more. Volunteers serve as ambassadors for The Fund to fellow parents, helping to educate our community via email, phone calls, and texts on the importance of our community's participation in The Fund for LREI

    Co-chairs: Harriette Thomas, Jennifer Casriel & Leslie Cain
  • Halloween Fair

    This year’s Halloween Fair will take place on Saturday, October 26, at the Thompson Street Gym.  Details to follow.

    Join us to help plan this year’s event!  Our first planning meeting will take place on 9/11 at 8:45am in the Thompson Street Gym.  We hope to see you there!

    Co-chairs: Kelly Nottingham, Margaret Sullivan, Jennie Lieb
  • Karamu

    Join us as we plan for the return of a beloved LREI tradition - Karamu!

    Karamu is a celebration representing the cultures and rich diversity of our community. Families from all divisions come together for delicious food, musical performances and an epic dance party.

    (Karamu means feast, banquet, festive, in Swahili)

    Co- Chairs:
    Shira Cornfeld
    Mano Alexandre Jr

  • Literary

    Enriches the literary life at LREI, organizing, among other events, the annual Book Week, Book Fair, Literary Evening and the Book Swap.

    Each month we pick a book for discussion, gather for nosh, a little wine and some book chat! Here are our upcoming dates and book selections; all gatherings take place in the Sixth Avenue Library at 6pm.  We look forward to seeing you there! 

    *September 18:  James, by Percival Everett
    *October 15:  The Great Divide, by Cristina Henriquez
    *November 13:  Woman of Interest, by Tracy O'Neill
    *December 4:  TBD (join our email list to vote!

    Co-chair: Kathryn Struthers Ahmed
  • School Store

    This team handles the design, production and sale of school merchandise and school spirit!  Keep an eye on the weekly PA email to find our next pop-up store or you can shop online here:

    Co-chairs: Jennifer Sagum & Joon Ahn
  • Sports

    Promotes athletic participation among LREI students and encourages school spirit at LREI games. Organizes the annual Spirit Game, a lively faculty vs. student basketball game.

    Click here for the latest sport schedules.

    Co-chair: Kathy Morganstern
  • Street Fair

    Imagine an NYC block party, and then add the creativity of the LREI community. From our youngest students “fishing” for an LREI house to performance opportunities for high schoolers - the Street Fair is designed for everyone in our school. And everyone loves a bouncy house! Food and frolicking to celebrate spring!

    Co-Chairs: Natalie Sanz, Andrea Kent & Kelsey Collins

    For more information contact:

Parent Association Identity Groups

List of 8 items.

  • Asian American Families (AAF)

    Provides a forum for discussion and social interaction for families with roots in Asia and throughout the Pacific Rim, including adoptive and multiracial families.  Some issues for discussion include language instruction, student recruitment and retention, and cultural education.

    For more information, click here.

    Co-chairs: Larry Lee, Bejal Shah, and Mandy Cheema
  • Azúcar!

    Connects the Latinx community across all divisions of LREI including students, parents and faculty. In addition to supporting Spanish language proficiency, the members coordinate activities that focus on Latinx culture and heritage.

    Co-chairs: Sofia Hernandez, Sofia Zuberbuhler & Diana McGraw
  • Families of Black Students (FBS)

    A community for parents to advocate and support Black students within the school’s mission of diversity, equity, and inclusion. This community is a forum for parents to discuss the experiences of their children. An open community to all parents with Black children, this group will support Black children in their pursuit of a fair and inclusive, vibrant, and engaging learning experience.

    Co-chairs: Kristen Charles & Naomi Grant
  • Gender Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

    Works towards a greater understanding of, and sensitivity to, LGBTQIA+ issues in all areas of school life. Committee members meet and sponsor events, including the Visibility Photography Exhibit, and the annual Pride Parade.


    If you are interested in learning more please reach out to the PA Co-Presidents - 

  • Jewish Affinity Group (JAG)

    Provides a safe space for Jewish families from diverse backgrounds to come together for support and community across school divisions (K-12). The group regularly meets for discussion and celebration, with conversations centered on the experience for our children at LREI, as well as Jewish identity – at large – in this time of rising antisemitism.

    Co-Chairs: Lyle Casriel, Manja Lyssy, Marika Bernstein-Condos, Orly Sandelowsky
  • Learning Differences

    This affinity group consists of parents of neurodiverse children as well as neurodiverse parents.  Established to foster a supportive community where individuals can share and learn together, enhancing their ability to navigate current parental and personal challenges. All are welcome to join in exploring the many ways different brains and cognitive functions can, will, and do change the world for the better.

    Co-Chair: Peter Shankman 

    Please feel free to join the WhatsApp group created exclusively for this affinity group, you can join by clicking here.

    LREI Learning Differences Affinity Group held our first meeting on 12/6/23 which included guest speaker, Dr. Jennifer Hartstein, a child developmental psychologist, the former CBS Early Show Psychologist, and the founder of Hartstein Psychological Associates, Specialists in Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (DBT and CBT). Dr. Hartstein came to our meeting to discuss best practices for parents of Neurodiverse children.
    You can find a recording of that meeting here.
  • Middle East and Muslim Roots (MEMRoots)

    An inclusive identity group for people with ancestry from geographic regions of the Middle East (Southwest Asia), North Africa, Central Asia, regardless of religion/faith/non-faith, ethnicity, language, or race. It also includes Muslims from non-Muslim-majority countries (e.g. USA, India, etc.) Prioritizes celebration and recognition of cultural traditions, education and artistic expression.  Provides a space for discussion with respect for curriculum and dialogue that supports community and social coherence.

    Chair: Carmel Kooros
  • White Parents for Anti-Racist Community (W-PARC)

    W-PARC offers a space for white-identified parents to learn together to combat systemic racism and raise anti-racist children by encouraging conversation around questions of whiteness and anti-racist community engagement. The group works to be accountable to and learn from community members of color while helping to make LREI inclusive and equitable for everyone.

    Co-Chairs: Elaine Cohen & Kate Singh
Little Red School House
and Elisabeth Irwin High School

LREI. Powered By Questions.

List of 1 items.

  • Since 1921